Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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ok, u kidz have def fallen behind :nono: u've got til tomorrow nite to crank out 19 more pagez, so start fuckin yakkin! :blahblah:

and here'z the monday dose of vitamin E to help get ya goin...Up The Ironz! :headbang: ppp

@WildBill :pass: .. @hairyman has been employed doing the UK governments Track and Trace system for covid..

It died down so much that they were told they would be laid off.....last weekend. a total Sods Law...the new variant pops it's head up...and until they Know how Dangerous it is...the UK government have instituted a Track and Trace on everyone who has been in contact with it.

Sensible precaution...IMO...until they Know....:pass:...but that is a government decission/opinion....not @hairyman just means he might get a phone call to get back to work....:shrug:....

He's not buying into any guff....simply doing the job he is trained for.
Oh the irony! I'd feel a bit odd that a new strain meant I could keep my job.
Yeah, I figured he was just doing his job as he's told.

I do think it's a good move to shut down travel from those areas until they know more about it.
I have a problem with the morons in charge over here are utilizing it as a scare tactic to get people to get vaxxed and boosted.
It's not just here. Morons in charge around the world are politicalizing this virus for their personal and their associated party gains. I don't give a damn what party affiliation a politician has, but when they chose to do something without their constituents being number one in mind, then they are useless to me as 'tits on a boar hog'! Far too many politicians worldwide are acting in their own benefit or the benefit of their party.and NOT the people that elected them.

My attitude towards politicians comes from the fact that I hate liars. I hate liars with a passion. I can sure tolerate actual mistakes, we're all human. I can't tolerate direct lying to my face and they know they're lying to me.

I have no use for people like that, I don't care who they are.
Gold Leaf Auto S1 #1 got the axe today, rinsed and hung. She's from one of 3 surprise seeds that survived when a larfy bud went through the grinder:
GLaS1.1_day78.jpg GLaS1_day78_wet-trim.jpg GLaS1.1_day78_hang.jpg
The Monk is a photo. It's the hardiest strain I've come across, but I think this one is in suspended animation lol

That Exactly what mine do....if you treat them as Hibernating....NO FOOD...minimum water....mid Feb usually they pop back to Life....... :headbang:
Lazy bums always just laying around! Unless they want some attention or they wanna chase the cat!:rofl:


So option B it is!

Just noticed dogs eye looks all kinda wonky in that bottom pic! Think the flash musta bugged her! My only guess cuz she has 2 good eyes…..
Thats what I do with my pepper plants over winter as well!
I've been wanting to grow some peppers, because of seeing the fun that folks are having with them.I need to free up space in the solarium though and that is kind of tricky...the worst space-wasters are kind of like family:rofl:
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