Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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So probably a dumb question, but when do y'all start counting days of flower?

i count it from the day the very first lil preflower crownz appear, but that'z jus me :shrug: ppp
@WildBill :pass: .. @hairyman has been employed doing the UK governments Track and Trace system for covid..

It died down so much that they were told they would be laid off.....last weekend. a total Sods Law...the new variant pops it's head up...and until they Know how Dangerous it is...the UK government have instituted a Track and Trace on everyone who has been in contact with it.

Sensible precaution...IMO...until they Know....:pass:...but that is a government decission/opinion....not @hairyman just means he might get a phone call to get back to work....:shrug:....

He's not buying into any guff....simply doing the job he is trained for.
Jury is well and truly out with this new strain. Although early indications are that it, so far, may not cause disease any more severe than Delta, the data are few, and early. It will take a couple more weeks of watching and analysing to determine what we are dealing with. My suspicions are that at minimum it is more contagious than Delta, and it may yet prove to cause serious disease as well as causing vaccines to be less effective. Even extra transmissibility alone may be a serious problem if it results in health systems being overwhelmed. Hospitals in some jurisdictions are already running on empty, and it will take little increase in hospitalizations to cause real problems for both patients (both covid and otherwise) and staff.

Please listen to your local public health experts peeps. This is not just about you and your personal risk. This is also about the cumulative effects of people's decisions on the health risks suffered by others. There are a lot of folks out there who really can't afford to catch this virus, and if everyone behaves as though the only problem was their individual chance of serious disease, the cumulative consequences for others could be grim.

Come on peeps, let's at least try to help others through this shit show. :pighug:
Jury is well and truly out with this new strain. Although early indications are that it, so far, may not cause disease any more severe than Delta, the data are few, and early. It will take a couple more weeks of watching and analysing to determine what we are dealing with. My suspicions are that at minimum it is more contagious than Delta, and it may yet prove to cause serious disease as well as causing vaccines to be less effective. Even extra transmissibility alone may be a serious problem if it results in health systems being overwhelmed. Hospitals in some jurisdictions are already running on empty, and it will take little increase in hospitalizations to cause real problems for both patients (both covid and otherwise) and staff.

Please listen to your local public health experts peeps. This is not just about you and your personal risk. This is also about the cumulative effects of people's decisions on the health risks suffered by others. There are a lot of folks out there who really can't afford to catch this virus, and if everyone behaves as though the only problem was their individual chance of serious disease, the cumulative consequences for others could be grim.

Come on peeps, let's at least try to help others through this shit show. :pighug:

What about This as a Train of Thought @Olderfart ......?.............:pass:.....

Fingers Crossed and sends up Burnt Offerings to the Great Ganja Goddess........:headbang:

This was my morning today!
What about This as a Train of Thought @Olderfart ......?.............:pass:.....

Fingers Crossed and sends up Burnt Offerings to the Great Ganja Goddess........:headbang:

What I think is that it is too early to predict a damn thing. It would be nice if this thing turns out to not be too harmful, but in my opinion, no one knows yet how it will pan out. My fingers and toes are crossed. I think we will have a lot more reliable information in a week or two, but until then, no one knows how this strain is going to affect the pandemic outcome. It is certain that it will arrive in all jurisdictions though, anyone who believes that the virus can be completely kept out by borders is kidding themselves. Delay yes, prevention not bloody likely, as the rapidly increasing number of countries detecting this thing demonstrates already.

The other important detail here is that the impacts of this strain will vary, perhaps a lot, between different jurisdictions. Details such as overall vaccination rates, and average age of the local population may make for huge differences in what happens with local spikes in infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Local public health authorities will be taking these factors into account when local restrictions are considered, so local information is what we need to pay attention to. Experience elsewhere can alert us to possibilities, but local conditions matter a lot.

Stay safe peeps. :pighug:
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