Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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'ey up strangers! Sorry for my absence, life has been a little more crazy since restrictions started to lift! Anything interesting going down?

On day 52 of my grow! First time I've grown 4 all at once, but still seeing similar problems to my previous grows now that I'm into flower - that being that my leaves lose all their colour and start to die. Pretty sure it's nute lockout and that I'm still somehow overfeeding the girls. One is doing decently at least (green Gelato)!

If you've not had a look at my blog:
Dutch Passion - Cinderella Jack
Royal Queen Seeds - Green Gelato
RQS - Watermelon
And Prosecco - from Brothers in Farms - bit of a mutant seedling so she was left to her own devices, no training or topping.
:smoking:bit early to be spreading miss-information one knows yet ,,:shrug:, ,,historically a virus normally mutates to being less aggressive but easier to spread,, and this should have been expected anyways,,, and it could be used as an excuse to further push a vaccine policy down people throats:coffee:,,,,,,

i just see it as a reminder to people who are vulnerable be extra careful,,,:thumbsup:
The reports I'm seeing, says it's much milder than anything so far.

Phunny, not phunny "Ha ha", how one man can be called a racist by enacting travel restriction and another praised for doing the exact same thing. Logic is sure missing from some people, but people just sucking up the BS being spewed as the Gospel.
I don't know if it's the level of intelligence, the way they were raised or just plain laziness, but far too many people don't question what we are being told by the govt and media.
I think a huge contributing factor is the lack of critical thinking is not being taught by parents for sure not being taught in the schools, at least not in the US.
I was taught by my parents to question everything and come up with my own conclusion. I know Mom and Pop regretted teaching me that at times. As a kid, I could be very demanding when searching for an answer! LOL! I just don't know any other way to be! LOL!
I know most of my teachers were frustrated with me at times for not just slurping up what they were putting out. I know it's worse now with all the pure stupidity in the education system today.
'ey up strangers! Sorry for my absence, life has been a little more crazy since restrictions started to lift! Anything interesting going down?

On day 52 of my grow! First time I've grown 4 all at once, but still seeing similar problems to my previous grows now that I'm into flower - that being that my leaves lose all their colour and start to die. Pretty sure it's nute lockout and that I'm still somehow overfeeding the girls. One is doing decently at least (green Gelato)!

If you've not had a look at my blog:
Dutch Passion - Cinderella Jack
View attachment 1392000
Royal Queen Seeds - Green Gelato
View attachment 1392002
RQS - Watermelon
View attachment 1391999
And Prosecco - from Brothers in Farms - bit of a mutant seedling so she was left to her own devices, no training or topping.
View attachment 1392001
Not probably lockout. Most people don't have problems vegging the plants. It's when the plant goes into flower when most have issues. That just means you need to look at what nutes you're using for flower.
Lol well there was a winner called.... "Wild Bill", my ears pricked right up :jointman: iirc it was a grow light dude... maybe 5-6 weeks back? Worth hunting for!
Now that you mention it, I think I saw the same thing. I don't participate in YouTube guys giveaways. I don't need some random YT guy with my address, with me living in a Shadowland state.

Good CS A ction @Olderfart ...:headbang:...tell us how you did it..we've had some wishy-washy results lately....:pass:

I made my own CS. I make it by the liter, and go through about a liter and a half to reverse a small plant. I soak the entire plant down daily, so I go through the stuff. I think the problem with CS is the purchased stuff is often not fresh, and those tiny bottles of the stuff sold by suppliers are far too small to do the job reliably. Just my 2 cents though, others here have lots more experience than I do. I am sure that I will run into a strain or plant that refuses if I do this enough times. Not yet though. :biggrin: :pighug:
EarthBox girl had a busy fat bottom that needed attention. Like other fat bottom girls in the past, I handled the situation and the girl loved it!!:biggrin::eyebrows::eyebrows:

Last night

Lovin' life this morning!


I think this girl loved the attention!

Dunno if i's just the strain or the power of the Earthbox, but this girl sure is recovering very well from my stunting early in the grow. I think it's the Earthbox. I'm surprised she's doing as well as she has. Along with the cool temps early on, she got a huge shift in the EB when I tipped it on end and the media shifted!:wall: LOL! I did have her planted to one end. She's in the center now, LOL!
She's gonna have one big ass main cola. I've got one more bean of this girl. If she's a standout for production or bud quality, I'll make some S1s. Either way, She will get topped the next time. She's fairly uniform and symmetrical, with only a few sucker branches. The bud spacing on the outer branches is pretty interesting. Topping her once or twice, should give the outer branches time to catch up to the main with breaking the cola dominance. It looks like she could easily be a big array of big phat colas. All her outer branches have the same bud spacing as the main cola.
It just depends on the quality of the canna and of the high.

Yeah...........that infused olive oil I made yesterday is potent. I took a very small dose in my coffee, and I can feel an effect. It was three drops off a glass rod. :eyebrows::eyebrows:
Yes, it can be used as a soil drench but are you sure the bugs are pests?
The way they were mainly living in the straw mulch when I found them I’m quite sure but I’ll pull a yellow sticky card today and I’ll get a scope shot of them to be sure! Just wanted to be sure about watering that stuff in before I hit up arbico organics and spend money to get rid of them!
Not probably lockout. Most people don't have problems vegging the plants. It's when the plant goes into flower when most have issues. That just means you need to look at what nutes you're using for flower.
Thanks! I'm using BioBizz nutes in LightMix soil at 60% the dosing on the feed chart. Temps are 23-25 during the day and no lower than 19 in the night cycle - 20/4 schedule. I'm at a loss, this has happened a few times now. My water is maybe an issue, it can have a PPM of 225 (0.4 EC) from the tap, but isn't hard water - has a relatively low calsium amount (I've had the same kettle for 8 years with no scaling).

Time to keep reading!
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