Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

Not open for further replies. I'm flipping Starving............................:crying:........Cheers won't let me give you any more plus rep ATM though....:pass:...gah.....tries to Think if we have anything Nice in for breakfast now.....:chef:...and...I don't Think we have..........

For a mild seasoned loin, they turned out very well. The smoke flavor is all the way thru the loin and just the right level, not overpowering. I usually insert sliced garlic and some sort of sliced pepper. We'll have a bunch of kids there today, so I just left that out. These turned out quite well, but they would have been manna from heaven in my book. LOL!

I learned how to barbecue/smoke from my Dad...........and cooking too. My Pop's BBQ was just amazing! He never got to taste my BBQ, but I know he would have loved it. Mom loved my BBQ, but she wouldn't say mine was better, but just different than Dad's.
I love to BBQ and smoke meat. It's a way I can feel close to my Dad. The first time I BBQ'd for my Mom, I was home for leave about 8-9 months after his passing. I used his smoker. Poor Mom started crying when we started to eat. "Poppa would have loved this!"............bittersweet compliment!

Thanks for the rep everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!!

Happy TG! Feeling gratitude for many things, not the least of which is AFN. 90% of what I've learned as a cultivator I learned here, and the other 10 % I learned from other sources I learned about on AFN. Thanks!
Always been on pain meds for her normal but been swinging back and forth since accident. Sometimes can't stop her from doing stuff, sometimes can't motivate her to do anything....still won't ask her Dr about canna though.

Frustrating isn't it........?

My SiL was Happy to drown her pain in alcohol...but a smoke of Dope was the Devils Weed....:shrug:....Children of the 70' is how our Parents were Taught to keep us away from it....Scare the Crap out of us......:pass:
Frustrating isn't it........?

My SiL was Happy to drown her pain in alcohol...but a smoke of Dope was the Devils Weed....:shrug:....Children of the 70' is how our Parents were Taught to keep us away from it....Scare the Crap out of us......:pass:
Mom was little pissed when she found a tiny stash I had when I got to come home for Christmas.............the ONLY time I was in CONUS(Continental US) to be able to spend time home, my home or family, in 13yrs.
She surprised me by not freaking out and gave me my stash back. I quit after training and job required a Top Secret clearance and I couldn't afford to lose that.
Are you and your GF veggy.....?.............if would be Cheap to keep Happy.....:pighug:

Most usual the under a euro a kilo year round...oranges 3 euros for 5 kilo...

Being out on the land....the next door farmer always leaves us stuff when he is cropping...we give him eggs...

And there are 3 or 4 small holdings around us where we can help ourselves to fruit and veg that they have...with the blessings of the farmers....
coz we are the Guard dogs for their land....:pass:
good neighbours are a fine thing in both directions. :pighug:
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