Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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My first attempt at infusing cocoa butter worked well enough. I had 17g of sugar leaf from a variety of recent harvests. I decarbed it for an hour at 240°F in the oven, then infused it in 8 oz of cocoa butter for 2 hours at 170°F. It seems sativa dominant (the first taste had me tripping 'til 4 hours past bedtime). I didn't sweeten it because i melt it in my tea or cocoa. It made 48 squares, and each square is a good dose:
canna-cacao.jpg canna-cocoabutter.jpg
Happy day everybody.

I spent my morning taking refugees food shopping and delivering groceries. Just had a late breakfast of Mexican 'pinole.' Now I'm off to deliver bud to shut-ins. Then a nap, and off to various Thanksgiving dinners (Iraqi, W.African, American).

Peace, love, and a warm buzz to all.
Escaped the family for a minute so:

:pighug: Did you happen to have a wee joint in your hand when you Escaped @DCLXVI....?...............:eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows:

Cannabis is the Anti-dote to....
Families..turkey..over eating...drinking....and too much general enjoy yourselves.....but Remember to Smoke Lots when you have done your have Earned it..........:smoker:....
You eating Turkey or Ham? Or Both? My wife made up a bunch of Deviled Eggs from our free graze chickens and a few pumpkin pies from the pumpkins I grew out in the garden this year. Also having green bean casserole from the garden beans. I need to raise turkeys again so I can add that to the list of things Im eating from home grown food source! Ive got lots to be thankful for this year for sure.
Yes to all the above and I’m bringing this.:eyebrows:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it.

Pumpkin Pie :greencheck:
Cranberry Sauce:greencheck:
Stuffing Mix:greencheck:
Applewood smoke the Turkey on the Weber at 2:30PM.
Green beans.

I was picking up some fresh celery at the grocery store this morning since the one I had was quite limp :rofl:. When I was leaving the store I was trapped by a car in front and back when this women backed into my door :finger: I was honking my horn but she kept coming and I watched helplessly as she dented my car. At least she has insurance. This poor old car had nearly a perfect body but even this little damage is probably enough to total it. Oh well dents happen!
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