Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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so figured I’d make her some dinner for a change! :thumbsup:

Come on over...I'll Adopt you......... :crying: does get Boring sometimes being the Only one in a house that will cook....:chef:..even if you Do Enjoy cooking....
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone.....another cup of coffee then I got to get started.....nice surprise last night when I got home, wife had done dishes while I was gone. Hopefully getting out of that "I'm crip so I can't do anything" funk she been in....lots of praise and thank you's (positive reinforcement). Maybe I can get her to help with the dinner fixin's today.....
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.....another cup of coffee then I got to get started.....nice surprise last night when I got home, wife had done dishes while I was gone. Hopefully getting out of that "I'm crip so I can't do anything" funk she been in....lots of praise and thank you's (positive reinforcement). Maybe I can get her to help with the dinner fixin's today.....

Morning ... :pass: ..sharing one.....
Is she still on pain-killers....some of the crap they fed me for strong pain meds made me like the Tazmanian Devil.......:grrr1:..I Know I was hard to live with..:pass:
Morning ... :pass: ..sharing one.....
Is she still on pain-killers....some of the crap they fed me for strong pain meds made me like the Tazmanian Devil.......:grrr1:..I Know I was hard to live with..:pass:
Always been on pain meds for her normal but been swinging back and forth since accident. Sometimes can't stop her from doing stuff, sometimes can't motivate her to do anything....still won't ask her Dr about canna though.

Thank you for sharing :toke:

Does it take alot of paper-work and time to get :greencheck: from the gouverment that one wants to be a farmer and grow crops of vegetables?

We are not vegetarians, we eat everything except the creatures from the sea - fish, crabs, octapussy etc.

Milk and eggs is a good favorite of mine because of the high protein.

It sound like you living pretty good life where everyone helps each other, that’s how it suppose to be :smokeout:

Big thanks for the reps Mossy.
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