Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Ok, so we started watching this stupid fluff show on Netflix last night called "Sexy Beasts" just because we saw it while scrolling and were like wtf. Anyways, season 2 episode 5 has a parrot. You don't need to watch the whole episode but just watch the speed dating part at the beginning. The parrot says something and it made me laugh and immediately think of you. You'll know when you hear it lmao.
"I've never been on a date where a guy brought up his graph-making abilities!"
Absolutely ridiculously silly show but somehow also entertaining? I usually loathe dating/reality type shows :rofl:
I like how you introduced it - "So, found this show last night. I'm ashamed to admit I actually watched it. Anyways, 8 episodes in..."
I like how you introduced it - "So, found this show last night. I'm ashamed to admit I actually watched it. Anyways, 8 episodes in..."
Yeah lmfao it was like 330am and I'm just like oh yeah we should probably go to bed. We started with season 2 cause that's where it started us off but since they're all stand alone episodes it doesn't matter much. It was really interesting to see how they generally were all like "I really want to find real love based on personality blah blah" and then the majority of guys picked the *totally* wrong girl, whereas the girls actually picked the guys that seemed best suited to them. With how brain dead I was feeling last night watching something that didn't require much brain processing power was nice. I don't think I would have been able to follow anything with any sort of real substance.
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