Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Good to hear that they are still in the pipeline. I'll pass on my germination experience, just in case it might be helpful. My first attempt with those seeds last summer only did a bit more than 50% which I was quite surprised at. However, my current grow got 5/5 tailed in 24 hours. I am not sure, but it is possible that these seeds have a harder or more impermeable shell than most. For the 5/5 germination, I really gave them a good scuffing in the sandpaper tube. I shook them vigorously for 30 seconds rather than for the maybe 3-5 seconds or so for last summer's attempt. Just a thought, but you might want to give them the sandpaper treatment before your soak this December.

If you remember to tag me, I'll be there pronto! Good luck with it. :goodluck: :pighug:
I’ll definitely tag you when they are up and running. I typically scuff all my seeds lightly and soak them overnight with a few drops peroxide in the water. Not worried about the germ. Can’t wait to get some CBD to stir into the mix!!!
Boy you are a bunch of chatty cathy's but that is what makes Live Stoners, so much fun, never a dull moment in Live Stoners eh! :cheers::headbang:
Day 21 (3 weeks in) of the latest edition of Live Stoners and approaching 300 pages fast.:woohoo:
I reckon we can fill 5 pages in 4 hours and get to page 300 by midnight!!:woohoo1:
What do you think guys?:paleo:
Are you up for it!:wizzy:
If we get in a bit of practice, you never know, we may even get to the previously unobtainable 1300 pages, if @420 is doesn't notice first, that is!!
:devil:heh ehe:haha:

Keep Calm & Banter On
For Those About To Crop
We Salute You!

You guts rock!:headbang:
Time for a fuel stop!:smokeout::smokeout::smokeout::smokeout::smokeout:
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we may even get to the previously unobtainable 1000 pages, if @420 is doesn't notice first, that is!!

i've already stated that i wanna see -> 1200 pagez this time :shooty: catch up man!:deadhorse:

:crying::pighug: ppp
mmm, ya, but for what ur talkin bout here in ls, bookmarkz would be ezier for a person to do on their own....jus sayin ;) ppp
I went to the Xenforo website and read their explanation of a threadmark, it's their forum software, I guess they know how it operates.
I just made it I applicable to Live Stoner, for an example......just saying.:cheers:

Threadmarks become less and less important the older they get because you wont need to refer back to what happen on Monday three weeks ago in a thread generally, at least not very often.
It is a period of time marker, not a specific post marker.
All you know is you posted something on Monday and it will be there somewhere in Mondays part of the thread, posted that week.
You may wish you had the foresight to bookmark it but seeing the future, can be somewhat tricky, so therefore you can't know if the post will be relevant in 4 days time etc.
A bookmark is for marking a specific post, which contains something, you may want to refer to at a later date, possibly for years to come!.
The post is set in stone and so is always findable.
Threadmarks are more like chapters.
They are both markers and they can be used however suits, each to their own, I do not judge!:headbang:
I don't use thread marks, I use my own navigation methods.:smoking:

At least we are having a meaningful conversation, about a function of the website, which is not used by most members because most don't know how to, or need to.
I can't see it getting wildly popular but it is there, if someone finds it useful!
i've already stated that i wanna see -> 1200 pagez this time :shooty: catch up man!:deadhorse::crying::pighug: ppp
Ooops missed that one!!:rofl:
ok let's see if we can make it to 1300!:smoking:
That makes it even more interesting :headbang:
Up for the challenge?:shrug:
I'm all caught up now!:jump:
Well, ok, if we are going for 1300, here is a little extra. This forum is the only, "Social Media" I engage with, with one very minor exception that I might check in to a couple times a month at most for technical discussion/ideas relative to our travel trailer. I enjoy my time here largely due to the ongoing efforts of the moderators who keep this a friendly place focused on growing and helping one another out. Bad vibes are weeded out in the bud, so to speak, and we all owe the moderators a big vote of thanks for the atmosphere that they have set up and maintained.

:worship: :thanks:
Well, ok, if we are going for 1300, here is a little extra. This forum is the only, "Social Media" I engage with, with one very minor exception that I might check in to a couple times a month at most for technical discussion/ideas relative to our travel trailer. I enjoy my time here largely due to the ongoing efforts of the moderators who keep this a friendly place focused on growing and helping one another out. Bad vibes are weeded out in the bud, so to speak, and we all owe the moderators a big vote of thanks for the atmosphere that they have set up and maintained.

:worship: :thanks:

:king: :thanks: :headbang: ppp
I’ll definitely tag you when they are up and running. I typically scuff all my seeds lightly and soak them overnight with a few drops peroxide in the water. Not worried about the germ. Can’t wait to get some CBD to stir into the mix!!!
Yeah, I now scuff mine all the time, and as of this round of germination, I will be scuffing them a lot more than I started doing. It does not seem to do any harm, and it may make a go or no go difference sometimes, especially with old or resistant seeds. The Mephisto 24C that I started for my seed run this timewhich by the way was going on for at least 4 years old, was scuffed so much that pretty much all the color was removed from the outside of the shell. I initially worried that I had buggered it but good, but it popped right on schedule, and is doing great. The only thing removed from the shell seems to have been the pigmented membrane (if that is what it is) on the outside surface of the shell, and now I know that even that aggressive level of scuffing is ok.

Grow and learn, grow and learn. :biggrin:
Well, looks like my girls outside have been little floozies, definitely seeing seeds developing on 2/4 of them so far. I must have just gotten really lucky with the auto girls I had out there. Not surprising though considering how many people in the local growers group can't tell males from females. Hoping the fellow was at least a decent bloke and not just random bag seed. I suppose I'll have to grow some out next summer and see what happens lol.
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