Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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:crying: The number of Double Takes I've had when people catch a whiff of the smoke........:pass:...and they look back and go cannot be the Granny...........:crying:...
Goals right the
Run around day yesterday..... :pass: ...hubby had to be covid tested.
He got a negative.

His friend/drinking buddy was coming for xmas dinner...called off mid week coz he was sick...
phoned up xmas eve to say he was covid it set hubby off wondering if he had caught it off him.

Plus...he realised if he ignored it and went out..he was in danger of infecting his friends...and maybe killing he stayed in all weekend...
and got tested yesterday.

He is due his Booster jab tomorrow that was thrown in doubt.....:shrug: ...apparently you have to wait 3 months if you have had it..before a booster jab. cost 95 euros for peace of mind....:pass:.....and that was just for the lateral flow test.

He Probably Save most of that not going out over the xmas.....:cheers:
They're making you pay for testing there?

Brother in law told us Saturday that they had been shutting down testing sites in Boston here lately, even with an increase in positives. I guess you can't report an upward trend if people can't get tested.
The 3rd jab barely noticed. It was the 2nd one that was pretty wild for me. The omicron seems to be spreading like wildfire, but usually not as serious for those with the jabs. :thumbsup:

Interesting times we live in Auntie :smoking:
My first I crashed hard that night and slept for 12+ hours, the second was nothing. We aren't eligible for our third yet.
Buds down state are anti vaxers. Their family got together for Thanksgiving and someone had the crap. Their mom in her eightees was the only one vaxed. She just got the sniffles the others got really sick one needed the hospital and oxygen.
They all now changed their thinking on the vax.
Glad they figured it out!
Pretty sure my kids are pissed at me this morning... They weren't out of bed by 9am, And I had a possible part of a song in my head...
So they got woke up by an 8 string guitar going into two 120 watt half stacks with an MPC drum loop going at 225bpm.
They'll get used to it, One of these days lol
I shut off #2's switch from my phone earlier cause I wanted him to come to me but I didn't want to yell for him :rofl: pretty sure I annoy the crap out of him but he loves me anyways lmao
I think that more people sick after boosters is just timing, more boosters have been going out as Omicron expands. This bias in the data is just one of the problems with reported numbers. It most emphatically does not mean that getting your boosters is a bad idea. The likelihood of serious disease is dramatically reduced by boosters, contrary to what these numbers might suggest.

Another problem with the data at the moment is that, unfortunately, the numbers of reported Omicron cases is a serious underestimate of current number of new cases in our communities. There are now two huge limitations in this data. First, the delay between becoming infected and receiving test results means that the number of positive tests reported is something like ten or so days out of date. When infections are expanding as quickly as they are with Omicron, that delay means that there is far more cases out there than can have been tested and confirmed yet, as in perhaps 4-8 times as many (>9 days at 3 day doubling times for those who care).

In many jurisdictions, the second now worsening limitation is that testing capacity is starting to be exceeded. At the rate Omicron is expanding, this seems likely to get worse for a while yet.

Stay safe peeps, there is more of this stuff circulating now than reported numbers suggest. Lots more. :pighug:
I got tested in mid 2020 and it took nearly 3 weeks to get my results back. Thank God hubby was already home on shutdown or else we would have been super screwed money wise.
I didn't really get much time with the plants Friday and Saturday cause Christmas stuff and my whole rapid cycling extravaganza. That crap is exhausting. I'm good now though.

Yup.... :pighug: ..poor girl...brain filled with pain is exhausting.

You okay now....? you have to go through the same stress for New Years...?

They're making you pay for testing there?

Yup...:pass:....but according to our Vet..they have the DIY lateral flow kits in the chemists now..................for 7 euros...............

Hubby is spitting blood and feathers......:biggrin:..that is 88 euros Cheaper than what he got live and learn.
Vet also said out town and the next town down are absolutely riddled with the new virus...time to keep our heads down...:headbang:

even with an increase in positives. I guess you can't report an upward trend if people can't get tested

Must admit..that is what I Thought they were doing here....:headbang:...there was no New corona info coming through when therest of Europe were reporting the new wave.....but they are starting to say we have problems now.
Best Christmas present ever? That cheapo canvas "drip tray" that Gorilla gives you with your tents.

Turns out, it's actually water tight. So, when you muck up setting up your drip system and accidentally dump all 10 gallons into your tent on the first day you're away on holiday travel - it keeps you from flooding your house:

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At least the plants stayed hydrated?
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