Good morning @PinkyNotTheBrain

Going down stairs backwards while holding the rails is the easiest when you can barely walk….. that way if you fall, it’s just up the stairs, since you kinda lean that way anyway. Going forwards is for the pros….:thumbsup: At least in my experience… you got this my friend!! :d5::pass:

Did you develop that technique during your drinking years? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@PinkyNotTheBrain, we're getting you a skateboard! Pop a squat on the board and down the steps ya go!
if u don't learn anything else, learn this -> the cure is the most important part of the whole grow....and burping is a key element during the intial, and most crucial, phaze of the helpz exchange the gasez & bring out the terpenez to their best....i personally burp the jarz 3 timez daily for the first 10d or so, then twice daily for a week, then once a day for another week, then a couple timez weekly for a couple weekz, then....whenever i open it to access some, which may be monthz :rofl: but trust me, get that initial phaze of the cure done right & then as long as it'z kept in the dark, with correct moisture, it agez like a fine fuckin wine & only getz better over time :headbang: ppp

(climbz down from soapbox....:mrgreen: :rolleyes2: )
U don’t burp grove bags
Wow that's infuriating

Just shows health care all over the world is about the same......... :headbang: .....crap...

The funniest one I heard...was the ambulance took an old lady home at 4am..... tucked her up in bed...and left.......

But it was the wrong House......

Can you imagine the house holders in the morning......:crying:....

Em...did you order a granny with dementia from Amazon.....?......:yoinks:...coz we've had one delivered...........:crying: