Lmao that song reminded me I haven’t heard it in a while but one of the hosts on the local sports radio show has talked numerous times about the fact he was in a class with the actual kid Jeremy that killed himself and inspired their song named after him!
Day 63 - Mango Cookies looking a little rough as do most of my plants toward the end. The dried mango smell is intense and really lingers on your fingers.



Good days and bad days @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug: ... until you get to the point the good days are in the majority.

I suppose your Aunt isn't gonna let you grow a Pet Pot plant in your bedroom while you recover........?.....:eyebrows:

:watering:. Thought not...,..:grin:....

You wouldn't recognise the patio now. I've been working on giving the girls a leaf strip today....:yoinks:...as in @420autoflower schwaz school of thought 🤔...if you remove the leaf..the plant puts the energy into the Buds

They look real mangy now.....:crying:..and I haven't finished yet...it was so hot I was doing 30 minutes stripping leaves...30 minutes under the Aircon....:hurry:...hour and a half job took 3 hours.......

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After dark.....:photog:.. #fl#flashyourBush
Looking good @Mossy :thumbsup: