Good morning everyone! I hope you are all doing well this fine morning. I have been tossing around the idea of trying coco within the next few runs and was curious what everyone's thoughts/experiences were with autopots and coco. I can go with a DTW setup but I like the idea of the autopots. Any thoughts?
I’m starting my first attempt coco in autopots. My buddy has been doing great with it. My bean is only 11 days so I’m still hand watering but he’s had great success with it so far. I like the idea better than the flora flex drip system which I have already tried. Seems to be much less hassle.
The biggest issue is the salt line that will build with the tops of the pots drying out. I would recommend a weekly top flush to prevent this. My issue with auto pots was getting the float valve to work properly they are finicky be sure to have extra seals handy if they act up. That’s why I went DTW :toke::pass:
Every thing I hear from autopot growers is never ever top flush. You will send the salts that are building up top down to the roots.

(Top flushing also a possible reason the float valve won’t work properly)
I’m starting my first attempt coco in autopots. My buddy has been doing great with it. My bean is only 11 days so I’m still hand watering but he’s had great success with it so far. I like the idea better than the flora flex drip system which I have already tried. Seems to be much less hassle.
Oh nice man! Definitely tag me on the grow would love to see how it goes. What nutrients are you using?
Every thing I hear from autopot growers is never ever top flush. You will send the salts that are building up top down to the roots.

(Top flushing also a possible reason the float valve won’t work properly)

Well my understanding if you do an actual flush you will remove the salt you have to removed the water from the trays or do over a bucket or something. Maybe just top watering to runnoff isn’t enough. My biggest issue and why I gave up was the float valves not acting properly and leaving the roots soaking all the time.

Edit: I didn’t flush in the trays so that wasn’t the issue
Oh nice man! Definitely tag me on the grow would love to see how it goes. What nutrients are you using?
I’m going to use my GH nutes that I’ve been using because I have a big surplus and see how that works. My buddy uses Canna A & B which looks a lot simpler so I’ll probably give that a try eventually. But he loves autopots/coco and he’s on his third grow. I plan to start a little journal in about a week when I start using the system so I can refer back in future grows.