Both my dogs, and many before them, have been rescues. Very good dogs but you have to be prepared to deal with behaviours....

This dog has been abandoned so attachment problems and anxiety will probably show up, there might be unknown trauma.

But with time and attention he might turn out to be a great dog once he understands that his new place is home.
Somehow ended up in the post below
Both my dogs, and many before them, have been rescues. Very good dogs but you have to be prepared to deal with behaviours....

This dog has been abandoned so attachment problems and anxiety will probably show up, there might be unknown trauma.

But with time and attention he might turn out to be a great dog once he understands that his new place is home.
Also, the previous person must have agonized over the decision to let him go. I can't imagine the heartbreak of having to do that.
Ugh!!! Dis shits brutal. Even when I feel like I can eat and have a good appetite i got no income so i gotta sit n wait a half hour for the medicar surrounded with some of the best places to eat in the city at lunch time and cant do shit about it:finger::cuss:
If I had any money I'd order you a pizza
Good Morfnoevight All! EO onTB.

Already 109°F in the back yard, I am hunkering down today.

My insurance never confirmed my pick up so the ambulance company didn't know to pick me up. And I missed my appointment last week cuz of the ambulance company "not having my file" . Good thing my aunt used to be a medic n got me a medicar from her old company

Good morning bud. Ya its always a fight. Like im not fighting enough. One fuckin dr. said id be dead last week so cuz that was her opinion I had to fight with that dumb ass so i could get treatment instead of hospis care or the insurance company wouldn't cover it
Our medical system is just plain SNAFU. Even though I am ecstatic about recent political events No one in this country is even proposing desperately needed changes to the system. They just don't care if we suffer and die. Well maybe they do want us to live so we can pay some more taxes?
Sorry Mum!
Opinions wanted :smokeit:

I am Improving my continuous drip irrigation system by adding ½" pipe that leads to a manifold that hooks up to ¼" tubes.

Originally my plan was to use drip emitters as before but now I am considering simple drip rings made from ¼" tubing punctured with holes every 2" or so.

So the question is, In your opinions

Emitters (2 per plant need to be cleaned or replaced regularly)


Drip Rings
( 360° coverage, need to be replaced often, I dont know how long they can go before clogging up but they are cheap and easy just like me)

Input is greatly appreciated :cheers:
It does not matter which way you go as long as the water applied is slow enough to moisten the soil without causing channeling. You want the capillary action to spread the water throughout the pot.

I wasn’t kidding the other day bro! ;) :pighug:

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I would get in on this as well if I could PM me with ideas to ##feedPinky. None of my friends ever leave my house hungry.