
Watching each other from a safe distance! Dogs like to mess with the cat….unless she’s in a box! Then its like protection where she can reach out and whack em in the head without fear of retaliation! :kitty::eyebrows::crying:
No problem reped ya to early cause couldn't give ya any for that beast you got:toke: :worship: Yup all thoughts do want them to be decent size but not huge 4 in a 5x5 is what I want to fill. I topped just above node 4 and thought about the same for the branched maybe node 3 or none just have to see where their at in a week and decide then:headbang::pass:
That beast was topped twice and is outgrowing a 10×10 area with 2 months to go, for reference. T20 Trainwreck Arcata cut. Gonna add another trellis for support next week. :worship::pass: