Plant update: Looking decent for 10 week. Amazon says my USB microscope should be here later today so I'll be back to pick everyones brain about the trichome status.

Leaves are looking a little scrungy. Is this normal? Been running MC1 part at about 600ppm the whole way through.

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View attachment 1697724

That's normal. The plant puts its energy 100% into flower production now. Good looking nugs, my friend.
Welp…. Got new tires ordered for the Jeep.. went ahead and decided to replace the rims while I’m at it since one has a nice gouge out of it from an Arizona rock…. :headbang:

damn thoze moving arizona dezert rockz anyway :cuss: why can't they jus stay put, like in the atacama dezert in s america, where the rockz literally haven't moved an inch in 24 million yearz :eek1: :rolleyes2: ppp
Welp…. Got new tires ordered for the Jeep.. went ahead and decided to replace the rims while I’m at it since one has a nice gouge out of it from an Arizona rock…. :headbang: