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The worst thing about not having a dog is that it means all the hairs I find in my grinder are my own.
Plant update: Looking decent for 10 week. Amazon says my USB microscope should be here later today so I'll be back to pick everyones brain about the trichome status.

Leaves are looking a little scrungy. Is this normal? Been running MC1 part at about 600ppm the whole way through.


Leaves are looking a little scrungy. Is this normal?

either way, it'z so close to the end, it duzn't matter anyway, matter what the leavez are doin, all the plant'z focus is on the budz at this point & they'll jus keep on keepin on :headbang: ppp

Keep on Trukin.jpg
I was gonna say those didn’t look like ladybug larvae to me but wasn’t positive so kept my mouth shut! Ladybug eggs look similar but pretty sure they are pink not white!
Turns out they are stink bug larvae. All the plants got a drink of 209. Going to make them regret taking a bite!!
Plant update: Looking decent for 10 week. Amazon says my USB microscope should be here later today so I'll be back to pick everyones brain about the trichome status.

Leaves are looking a little scrungy. Is this normal? Been running MC1 part at about 600ppm the whole way through.

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View attachment 1697724
Just think of what happens to the leaves on the trees in the fall….. that’s what is happening to your plant….it’s the fall colors, signaling that the end is near.
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