I'm growing.... all day every day... every platform.... growing growing growing!
Hey bro in case u missed convo are these potato beetles? I know u were fighting them recently!

Happy Friday everyone! Just a few hours of work left.

We lost power yesterday around 5pm. Didn't come back on until 5:30 this morning. House was hot and humid! Fortunately the taco bell down the road was open. We also had to eat all the ice cream, for safety of course.

I was meaning to update my grow thread but no lights and I could not find my camera. The tent spiked the RH up to 85% but I've got it pulled back down now. The plant missed most of its lights on time but the mechanical timers just pick back up when the powers on. So despite a rotated schedule I think it's going to be fine?
Hey guys, i have an idea. What if i take my skills, show them off to an crowd that is not into growing. They would think "WooOuuW - Check out this dudes plants".
You don´t fish in your house, you go to the lake or river to catch some :pass: