Just got back from a hotspring getaway. Its good for a couple to break up the routine.

One thing that continuously amazes me is drivers who tailgate at highway+ speeds, or dart in and out of too-tight-spots only to be beside you a short distance later. 🤔

Other than that it was good to soak my achy bones, enjoy my wife's company, and take in the local arts.
Still really hot outside. I am hoping for cooler temps over the next 2 weeks.

Slightly cooler than last week but damage was done. The girls are looking pretty bad.

Here's a snap of the tent while I was away. VPD is far from good.
Sad to say...I had to scroll past that fast......View attachment 1694693.. I've got vertigo....and food is making me queasy......
Take care Mossy!

Happy thirsty Thursday everyone. Hopefully its cooling down for everyone. Make it a good one!