Been wanting to try that one out! Putting it on my shopping list! Thanks Dabs!
I have grown anvil and was disappointed. The purple is bad ass and what not. It was just not sticky at all and didnt even get me high. Grown 2 out still have two seeds left. I will not be growing them if you wanna save a buck and try it before you buy. You can have mine.
Please, do tell! I kind of want to devote my indoor tent to colorful strains as i have the most control there and ive always loved unique pretty buds. Id love to hear about some breeders that specialize in colorful plants!

I did he’s the one I know of but sure there’s more I’ve forgot hopefully others will chime in. It’s going to be hard to beat his color in auto’s though
We used a piece of piano wire bent a certain way, inserted at the bottom of the dial on rotary payphones. Every time you turned it, it would register $0.25... In those days you could make international calls for a few dollars in quarters. Then they came out with push-button payphones and we had to carry a bag of real quarters.
Rotary payphones….

Way before my time! ;) :rofl: