Yup especially when we run into each other on a site like this that has people from all over! :d5::pass:

plot twist -> everybody here....and i mean everybody....is actually from an itty-bitty miniature lil village in the arizona dezert :yeah: ppp
:yoinks: whoof! that'z DEF gonna cut into the milk dudz budget :dang: :goodluck: ppp

:snooze:, :doc1:, or :superhero:

the preceding is for thoze who, like Mark, don't actually read postz :doh: :toke: ppp
Ya i need to up to full coverage on this car and then drive it over to shitty mechanic dudes house and then light it on fire in his driveway and just get a new car! :shrug::hothot::crying:
look! :jump: waaaaay............the holy fuck...........up there...........->...........BIRDZ! :jump: ..................sillee.......damn........dawg:face:


but hey, as long as the black dawg has....a blue ball....she'z perfectly content :redface:


that is, after u retrieve it for her :doh: ppp

Been scoping spots for a small guerilla style grow for a while now and think j found a promising spot, its away from any trails very thickly overgrown with a few open sky areas with plenty of sunlight and about 50feet away from a freshwater creek that is river runoff and doesnt dry out. Alot of watercress grows around there which shows me the ground gets plenty of water. I mean theres plenty of everything that grows out there. Seems pretty fertile and may just be perfect for our socal winter as it never freezes and gets too brutally overgrown for anybody to want to venture out there, thinking if i can get about 20-30 plants going in root cubes where they are ready to take off and there is a particulry thick area that takes a fight to get to i think wohld be perfect. I plan on using a very simple time release fertilizer and planting close enough to the creek to not worry about watering. Any tips or advice is welcome as it will be a first for me.
Spread the plants out so it's not a patch and keep everything out of site from any water. People follow water and people suck :pass: