Man talk about a pain! Guy came and got the axle nut off and was just gonna pay the $100 to let him change the whole thing but he realized once car was mostly apart that he didn’t have his tool to separate the ball joint so said he was gonna do a job and come back and them that turned into him not having time to come back today and said if i put it back together he could come friday! Went and got a separator from auto zone but i got the cheaper pickle fork separator instead of the more fancy separator and couldn’t get it to break free! My moms friends husband is a mechanic so he is gonna come look at it and bring whatever tools i am missing tomorrow but hoping if i go rent the more expensive tool he can finish it today! Kinda looking like i may need a new ball joint too tho cuz it is def gonna put some crazy force on current one in order to make the damn seal break free and that usually winds up tearing the boot on the ball joint! Def not as quick and easy as I expected and really makes me pissed that douchebag magee didn’t change it when he had it apart doing the struts!