Don’t forget “yins” or “yins guys”….. I once lived in a spot where they said that…. Weirdo’s. Although they regularly put French fries and cheddar cheese on lettuce and called it a salad…. So I guess they aren’t all bad. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Where was that? In the Yukon? Labrador?
Maybe I could hire a pH-coach to facetime me through the process and to be a bit comforting if I start to cry. And not judge me because all my growing materials are restaurant sized food containers.
all ya all are funny. I fixin' to make some infused soy oil. 2 cups oil 1 full pint of Blue Dream. I'm a wishing to make a single drop will do all ya all.
Maybe I could hire a pH-coach to facetime me through the process and to be a bit comforting if I start to cry. And not judge me because all my growing materials are restaurant sized food containers.
I use only coco so ph is life or death for my ladies. I know I have killed more with incorrect PH. :frowny::frowny::frowny: