I love being able to run one tent and focus on one environment. I feel like I can meet every plants individual needs now that I dont worry about light cycles and more on taking care of my investment.

I used to run a single tent perpetual SoG... Loved cramming 30 to 40 plants in a 4x8.

8 Years ago... Jeez, my lights may have more hours on 'em than I thought. :crying:


I haven't checked my PH in years. I ran hydro in just tap just fine. It felt like every time I started messing around with the pH everything turned to shit and I ended up having to start over. So I just stopped doing it. I know this is incredibly unscientific of me, but yeah. I developed Ph-anxiety.
I used to run a single tent perpetual SoG... Loved cramming 30 to 40 plants in a 4x8.

8 Years ago... Jeez, my lights may have more hours on 'em than I thought. :crying:



Don't we all have more "hours" on ourselves than we think. How did we get here ... ?
