I top after the 5th node.
Im new to auto flowers and probably wont be doing any topping or fimming of any kind until i understand the genetics i am working with and i am familiar with their growth periods. I have quite a few years experience with indoor hydro photoperiods but organic soil and outdoor i have only been a part of and not done fully myself. I plan to ease into it and experiment where it suits me for now, but until i gain the confidence with these little super plants i will keep all stress to a minimum. I will however keep that information in mind when i decide to take that leap. For now i am not brave enough to take that step with the plants i have going now. Maybe next grow i will do one extra plant just to see how it responds to stress at different periods. I wish i had the room and means to do everything at once, but dont we all lol. Thanks for replying and sharing your techniques with me!
Morning everyone! A day off! Whoo! Guess I'll get started early and make sure nothing gets done today.

Happy Labor Day

That included everyone not just US buddies, all working people. Wish it was international - everyone on the planet just sit down for a minute and relax.
Yeah I pre+charged(buffered) then I rinsed. And then I almost ruined my grow. I was literally making spots in their final pots and I said holey shit I think I am supposed to run 300 ppm through it and then let it sit for 24 hours 😆.
See what happens when you take too much time off.

I flush my pots to <350 ppm then plant I don’t wait 24 hr :d5:
@Bill.de.Cat - Sorry man, that sounds rough.

I have no advice except maybe try deck screws? I like these ones from HomeDepot with the star drive. The box includes a new bit and if it's something you have to redo often, the star drive goes in and backs out a lot easier than a philips.

I stick to using these:
