Morning Kittens. :coffee2: I've been pretty sick since last week and wife decided it was the perfect time to start in on me. Which most of stuff just rolls off my back or I walk outside to get away from it. But she made mention of cops and they wouldn't even need a warrant cause she'll let em in.
Between bouts of chills and fever last night I really don't know if she'd actually do it so....better safe than sorry.
You oughta take her to a nursing home, tell her you got her a spot all ready…. That way she’s taken care of while you serve your sentence…..
Morning Kittens. :coffee2: I've been pretty sick since last week and wife decided it was the perfect time to start in on me. Which most of stuff just rolls off my back or I walk outside to get away from it. But she made mention of cops and they wouldn't even need a warrant cause she'll let em in.
Between bouts of chills and fever last night I really don't know if she'd actually do it so....better safe than sorry.

I'm both sad and angry hearing that. Keep yourself safe and healthy. And don't forget about your mental health too.
Haven't done coco, but looking around, there's pre-charging, I read which is mostly just buffering it with calmag first.

I do believe with coco you always want ferts when watering. I'd water it with ferts, stick my seedling in, and a little water again to settle it in. But again, haven't done coco.
Yeah I pre+charged(buffered) then I rinsed. And then I almost ruined my grow. I was literally making spots in their final pots and I said holey shit I think I am supposed to run 300 ppm through it and then let it sit for 24 hours 😆.
See what happens when you take too much time off.
I'm both sad and angry hearing that. Keep yourself safe and healthy. And don't forget about your mental health too.
Well, pretty sure i've got ptsd from the caregiver abuse. Hoping I can muster the energy to get to hardware store. Need longer, thicker screws to try to rehang the bathroom door, not going to worry about the other damage as it won't hurt her but is hits that door again in a rage it might come off on her.