When are you too old to wear a bucket hat? I mean, its goofy between 35 and 50 my son says. When you old old you can wear whatever you want he says 😅 He says I'm ok in my hip hop old man look with like tracksuits but he is against the matching bucket apparently.

'suppose it's down to the cut on your bucket........... :shrug: ..,..


Went out and made some adjustments to the new top…. And decided to take Dude for a ride with all the windows off…. See if he liked the full open cab…. Plus I wanted to see how bad it flapped in the wind….. we cruise the main drag a ways….. and take the neighborhood streets home….

Some dude was texting and smashed into a trailer parked on the street in front of someone’s house….. not a little trailer either…. One of them double axle flat bed jobbies that you could fit a whole car on….. they had me stop while oncoming traffic went by…. And since the top was open I could hear him tell the cop…..

“Why was it even there? Yes, I was texting, but I would have never hit it if it wasn’t RIGHT HERE!!!!!”

I burst out laughing…. Which made the cop next to me, stopping traffic, burst out laughing…. Which made the cop talking to the guy start laughing…. The guy had no clue what was so funny….

It was a whole thing…… Dude got a kick out of the situation, plus he found the open air conducive to good napping….

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
About to go to physio and got a text that my Mom is being rushed by ambulance to emergency AGAIN. This is the 4th time this year I think.

I don't know if she will be admitted...

I have a super important board meeting this evening, my turn to cook and I don't have a supper plan....
