Finally learning a little about ec and ppm and I have a possibly silly question….if you have a target of 700ppm and your water is 400 are you adding just 300 in nutes? Or add 700 in nutes to read 1100? I’d think just add 300 but an alchemist I am not.
The first way I believe. Water + nutes = total. Water 400 + 300 nutes = 700
I’m not catching up before replying but no its option B! U take your water ppm and then add 700 in nutes so you would be at 1100! 400 seems super high for tap tho u get your water directly from the hudson river or what?? :yoinks::haha::rofl:
be careful, sum balloonz can get...u guessed -> ridiculously high :coffee: ppp
Not what i was wanting with a milk duds hot air balloon! :shrug::crying:

I'm in hot air balloon status, not too high. @PeaceLove&Buds - I'm trying to put together a sentence about nute makers basing their numbers on 0ppm RO water but I can't get it right. But thats the jist of it.
a lot of brands don't publish that info because it's proprietary. A jug of distilled water and some experimentation will get you there.

Aha! I just realized that because my tapwater is always in the 30-40ppm range I could just mix up a liter and jot down the ppm for simple calculation later on. Just a little trickier when I supplement.
I was thinking the same or similar!
How does one get the burgers out, top bun, then flip? Lol 😝
A spatula!

It is a 3 piece basket, bottom wire with handle, middle rings for meat patties (optional) you can cook all manor of foods in the basket. Then the top basket wire that locks in place to hold the food in.

It is a great tool for turkey patties as they are really tender and very difficult to flip with a spatula.

Turkey patties you will like! 15% fat ground turkey, Panko Bread crumbs (GF), Better Than Bullion "not beef base", goat milk and goat butter a grind of fresh pepper dash of salt. Dip a small wire whisk into the no beef base and get a tsp. worth, stir into 2tblsp milk and 2tblsp Panko bread crumbs in a bowl. Melt 2 pats of butter in the microwave. dump a pound of ground turkey in the bowl poke holes in the turkey grind pepper pour over melted butter. Mix as gently as you can folding in the flavored Panko and butter. Do not over mix it makes the patties tough. Form into 4 patties and place in rack. Grill over hot fire to internal temp 165°F Then add cheese and cover with grill lid to melt the cheese.
It is a 3 piece basket, bottom wire with handle, middle rings for meat patties (optional) you can cook all manor of foods in the basket. Then the top basket wire that locks in place to hold the food in.
View attachment 1702204

It is a great tool for turkey patties as they are really tender and very difficult to flip with a spatula.

Turkey patties you will like! 15% fat ground turkey, Panko Bread crumbs (GF), Better Than Bullion "not beef base", goat milk and goat butter a grind of fresh pepper dash of salt. Dip a small wire whisk into the no beef base and get a tsp. worth, stir into 2tblsp milk and 2tblsp Panko bread crumbs in a bowl. Melt 2 pats of butter in the microwave. dump a pound of ground turkey in the bowl poke holes in the turkey grind pepper pour over melted butter. Mix as gently as you can folding in the flavored Panko and butter. Do not over mix it makes the patties tough. Form into 4 patties and place in rack. Grill over hot fire to internal temp 165°F Then add cheese and cover with grill lid to melt the cheese.
I was not too far off from how this was in my head
I’m not catching up before replying but no its option B! U take your water ppm and then add 700 in nutes so you would be at 1100! 400 seems super high for tap tho u get your water directly from the hudson river or what?? :yoinks::haha::rofl:
I’ll know more accurately when the pen gets here but the truncheon showed 3 and 4 which means about 350. Great weather in LA but the water is toxic. With all due respect are you sure about the ppm math? I never thought about why people use ro water but wouldn’t it be to start with 0 ppm therefore allowing the full 700 to be nutes?