Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I’ve declared today to be a heavy cannabis use day, due to (more severe than usual) neck pain that’s trying super hard to bum me out. So I’ve decided to fight fire with fyah…..and start throwing copious amounts of cannabis at it. So, one chocolate peanut butter canna brownie, with a side of gdt down the hatch. And now, we smoke :smokeit: :rofl::pass::meds::passit:

If you smoke 6 damn pounds a year can u please name a day that’s NOT a high cannabis use day??? :eyebrows: :rofl:
Pretty much what a Cap Pea Bar Roh is, no? Both rodents, both the same ugly gob (IMO of course). :pighug:
People in Cajun country eat them damn capybara tho! Don’t recall any eating Guinea pigs large or otherwise! :yoinks::crying:



Yall got nutria there? Those are kinda similar in looks but different families.

Had to edit this in cuz them are the things they stew up in parts of Florida! :nono:
:yay1: it's getting close to :growing: plans are in the works in Dabberville for a BIG run timing depends on the workload over next 4 to 6 weeks and the 4 classic bass tournaments. On tap for the upcoming run SeedStockers, Twenty Twenty, Autoseeds, Super Sativia Club and possibly a couple Mephisto Double Grape and AVT, Gonna be a good fall/winter run
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