Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Awesome - it has been copied and stored!
Fairly deep reading by the look of it, I'll save it for daylight hours!
do you know about "Skunk Pharms"?
The experiment section is worth a look through!
Ooh nice... Thanks for that! I'm always looking for good solid information! It'll be my 'Sunday Paper' read of sorts..
@Jerseyphresh1 thanks for the rep bro!
I only found it because I did an internet search for most recent extraction techniques 2022.
I think we have some experimenting to do!! :headbang:
I'm sure there are some lower cost ways of doing this and I love a bit of DIY!:smoking:
I put a copy of the vid in the "Extraction section" of the forums, so maybe there will be some more creative suggestions there too?
Ooh nice... Thanks for that! I'm always looking for good solid information! It'll be my 'Sunday Paper' read of sorts..
You'll like what you see.
A very pleasant way to spend your Sunday morn, with cup of joe!

2 new ones and ordered a 3rd cuz they didn't have it the color I wanted. Next time i go I need an adult cuz I clearly can't be trusted with money and pretty things
I was picturing using the ultrasonic bath kinda like in between bubble hash and qwet. Frozen buds and frozen everclear in the machine then filtered through bubble bags and then evaporated :shrug: Definitely something to think about though :d5:
I like your thinking, it will be fun trying something new!:d5:
@Jerseyphresh1 thanks for the rep bro!
I only found it because I did an internet search for most recent extraction techniques 2022.
I think we have some experimenting to do!! :headbang:
I'm sure there are some lower cost ways of doing this and I love a bit of DIY!:smoking:
I put a copy of the vid in the "Extraction section" of the forums, so maybe there will be some more creative suggestions there too?
My wife's one is a plastic thing that was maybe $20-$50 but I bet it'll submerge a couple grams. Works great with jewelry. I do have a set of bubble bags and some fresh frozen material on hand :yeah: Everclear is available in liquor stores around here and I do have this week off work. Think all I'd really need is a way to evap. Might be a fun project to try in between yard work this week :pass:
Good Morfnovight All! Happy Caturday.

So busy today.

a cool cat.png

It was the horse that threw me!
Horse tee gate, pony tee gate.:rofl:
The confusion arose for me because a horses coat is always referred to as "hair" or its "coat", never fur!
Don't blame me, I don't make the rules!:crying:

From the internet -
We regard humans as having “hair,” not “fur.” And we use “hair” for what grows on livestock with thick, leathery hides—horses, cattle, and pigs.
But we generally use “fur” for the thick, dense covering on animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, bears, raccoons, beavers, and so on.
Why do some animals have fur and others hair? The answer lies in the origins of the noun “fur,” which began life as an item of apparel.
In medieval England, “fur” meant “a trimming or lining for a garment, made of the dressed coat of certain animals,”
What rules? I don't need no stinking rules.
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It may be tricky!
Hint - Someone you know.

Here is a easier one!
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Hint - It's a disaster.

OK one more
The answer is the same but one is for the US folk and one is for UK folk, due to language variations.

US folk
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UK folk
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Wow I am to distracted stoned for that.

Anyone know if it's a bad idea to add mosquito bits to sohum live soil???l
Dissolve/soak the mosquito bits in a cup of water. Water or fertigate like normal except the last cup use the mosquito bits soup. This way it stays in the top 2 inches where it is needed.

Good night all, too high to stay awake.
Good night!
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