Stupid easy!Oh it’s already in the compost barrel!
First time I’m really doing compost to any scale. But I have so much dirt that I have to try and re use it and re amend it somehow.
tell me more about this fermenting tho. I’ve seen everyone for the last two years talk about it.
I need a good ferment type thing I can use for 74 plants, run through an irrigation system
So I’m thinking like a gallon of pretty potent banana and maybe the leaf excess
Weigh leaves
Put leaves in 5gal bucket
Put same weight of brown sugar. I use the raw unprocessed brown sugar
Mix until all leaves are wet and coated
This is making FPE . Fremented Plant Extracts
Place a cover, that will fit down inside bucket, on top of material and weigh down with bricks to compress mixture.
Store in a cool area for a few days. After 3 or 4 days, remove the cover and stir it up.
You can put a 'sugar cap' on it at that point if you want and probably wait about 10 days or so. Or stir every few days.
It's done when the liquid is around 3.5 pH.
Leave the banana for
I bought some different ferments from BAS to test before I make it myself.
Here's one that's interesting that you might want to examine.