Good morning my peoples. First work day after the move. Screwed up my sleep schedule....2 more dayss working 12 hour nights then I switch to days for 3 months. Hate my schedule.
Question for everyone here in the states though. Im not very concerned about it but Ive always wondered how much power draw raises suspicions with electric companies? I cant believe I havent asked about this but Ive always wondered.
Well, 5 min. after walking in, sitting down and sipping on my beer.....people were looking around....and since I was the last one in, they all knew where the dank was.....2 ziplocks couldn't contain the sour stomper stink.....
Small forum stomper in the middle other girls are strawberry banana ,forbidden runtz and gorilla skittlezs . The 3 fastbud autos are still vegging showing no signs of flowering. Under se 3000 light
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