Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I can't find any info on what breeders made the Dos Si Dos I won. Why I was asking.
Kind of like the order I'm getting from Multiverse..all seed stockers so it's kind of a given I'm gonna be a bit light of breeder long as it performs, no worries.
My stoner friends, this is my first post to say I have to stop growing my favorite medicine.

My grows have been perpetually since 2006, even through two major moves, and am now harvesting my last.

Failing health is affecting my daily care needs and stealth is about to be a problem.

I'll still be lurking and liking at times as a sign I'm still here but all things must pass.

Sorry to hear that. I do hope things get easier for you. It would be great if you check in here and there, you have a wealth of knowledge and I have definitely benefitted from your posts.

Take care of yourself and thanks for helping a new guy along the way.
YEAH Suki813 IS BACK!!!!!!!
I turn the page after being gone a bit..........
and I have 86 notices!

I'm happy to see ya back!
I'd give ya furry kisses on your cheeks and a big ol hug!
Hope things are on the upswing!
Keeping a good PMA can be a huge pain in the :backside:, but I like a good challenge!
You be you!
Have fun!​
Woo 200 pages to go :rofl:
Beard hair issues, have them all the time... I have to tuck mine into my T shirt during chop. Getting tricombs out of beards is sticky.

I got some of these beans as a freebie from Menphisto. You may have persuade me to pop them fir my next auto grow. Looking real lush @WildBill , top job.
Gotta learn to braid it lol
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