Love her markings! I had a bobtail Calico find me at a fireworks stand. She came up to me, meowing her ass off and rubbing my legs. She was pouring it on THICK!
Well, Bobbie the Bobtail........yeah, I know. Not very original, but it fit her with a human Bobbie I knew......................came home with me.
Mischievous cat would be an understatement of great proportions! When cats were the suspects in any mischief around the house, Bobbie would be the prime suspect.
Something could have just happened, you KNEW it was Bobbie, and she would act luke she was an innocent little kitten. She was a long hair too and kept her very coat neat. If you confronted her about something, she would stop grooming, look up so innocently and meow sweetly, no matter how sternly you said her name.
It would crack ya up at times.

She was a VERY good Mom and mouser.
Out of all the years at the farm, There were only three Calicoes. Bobbie. Halloween, Bobbe's ugly black calico baby and Cali, a cat I found for Mom after she lost her Tux after 16 years I think. He was a character and a half. I buried him under one of the big oaks he loved to sit under to watch the squirrels. I asked the Doc that bought my farm, if he would leave the sandstone marker I carved with his name on it. It was still there a couple of years ago.
One o Spot's kitten looks uncannily like him.