Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Did you see the news out of Washington, DC, today?

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, with Senators Booker and Wyden, formally introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA) to end federal marijuana prohibition. Circulated initially as a discussion draft in July 2021, the finalized version of this historic bill is now pending action in the United States Senate.

CAOA removes cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act schedule entirely, ending the threat of federal prosecution for possession and licensed commercial activity, and allows states to implement their cannabis policies free from federal interference. It also eliminates many hurdles currently facing regulated state cannabis markets, including lack of access to financial services, the inability to deduct standard business expenses when filing federal taxes, and the lack of uniform national regulatory standards and guidelines. The legislation also reinvests in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by prohibition, provides for the expungements of past criminal records, and would help improve diversity and inclusion in regulated cannabis markets.
And that's where it will fail if it maintained the same level of spending.
I hope this is not just a mid-term ploy, in trying to pass legislation that they know will not pass to try and redirect attention to other failures. All too common ploy used by all sides. In the end, it's the public that suffers.
Whatever, you can censor it how you please... but i don't like how this is allowed and this isn't crap. if you don't prevent politics all together and allow that crap where is the line drawn at?
Well, there is a thread about legalization progress. That may have been a more appropriate place to post it.
I got a bunch of trim. I have the weekend off. I think I shall get some butter. Mix a oz of trim and a oz of bud decarbed in oven for 30 mins to an hour at 250 degrees F. Then let it cool then grind up buds and toss in shake in 4 sticks of butter and 2 cups of some ro water so budder don't burn. Then make some cookies and brownies. I'm kinda worn out on gummies.
Good Morning AFN, the bell is ringing and you know what time it is.

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