I taught my German Shepherd to poop in the corner, next to the neighbor's only outside entrance to their backyard.
She got wet food, dry and sometimes table scraps. She sure could 'pile it up'!

My dog growing up was named Buckeye, because he was black/dark brown with a blonde belly as a puppy (Buck for short, a la Call of the Wild). He was a German Shepard Golden Retriever mix, 120 lbs, and the best dog I've ever known. My sister had a mostly blind schnauzer/discount mix that once took on a stray st. Bernard. I was smoking a pipe on the porch next to Buck and the second the st Bernard went after my sisters dog Buck lept from the porch and charged the 1/10th mile to the road. He knocked that dog flat on its ass, put hi mouth around its neck and looked back to me wagging his tail. The St Bernie yelped, Buck let it go and pranced back up to the porch with my sister's dog... proud as can be... then he begged for a hot ofbrhe pipe! Best dog ever