Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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My oscillating 6” shipped today! Gonna order a 2nd for the 2x4 but gotta get someone else to order it as it won’t let u order more then 1! Maybe now that it’s been a month I can do it myself but just in case!
The one my friend bought me shipped too.
In other news, had to take hubby to urgent care, then turn around and pick him back up and take him to the ER. They offered him an ambulance ride and he declined. So now I'm just sitting here waiting to hear wtf is going on.
What happened? Best wishes :karmacloud::vibes::meds:
First year from first seeds in the dirt (6/29) to final harvest (6/28). Not too shabby!
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We do deserve better! I was instantly replaced so i understand that. My problem is when i love someone, it is for life, i don't understand how people just lose feelings or want to cheat and hurt people. I'm always willing to fix things and trying ways to compromise that usually end up with me trying 75% and her 25%, i deserve a 50/50 relationship as do we all :smoking:I'll defend this girl and just say she is young, she needs to spread her wings a bit and see what life is about. me? I'm ready to settle down and have kids before I'm to old to lol
No, you need a 100%/100% relationship, that's what it takes.
if i grow out a 1lb photo plant do i get another lb badge? or is blue badge the golden ticket?

nope, ya only get it once :doh: the next in line is the 2 lb badge -> 2 lb auto, in-or-outdoor, or 2 lb indoor photo :smokeit: ppp
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