Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Dude doing what he does best :rofl:
Those dots aren’t it….that’s just the info they have….
Thank you I hadn't got that far I barely have time to grow cannabis let alone go shroom hunting atm but some time I will:thanks::goodluck:..MAYBE i won't have to go far the last round I had some shroomies growing up the inside on my new grow bags never did look into what they were:oops1: :face::eek1::naughtystep:
Geez I love to get the lab that just wants to jump in the water, mine likes treat boxes fitted nasty s*** piles preferably laid by a human that have sat in the Sun for half the month of August and rolling it from her shoulder to the back of her head to the back of her spine you know real greasy like so that when Daddy gets down Windover he dry heaves lmao

The cat you see in the dog's legs is a female my dog rescued from an abandoned Barn way up by the Canadian border she had been defending herself and they're from who knows what had Oliver Nails ground down to a nub and Mindy refused to leave the side of the barn until we had taken the cat and put her in the truck brought her home an hour and a half Drive South she was pregnant of course gives birth has him for about 9 10 days does great then something happened in a construction site nearby my house that spooked her and she took off for I think it was four or five days and I ended up having to get kitten replacement formula and getting up every 3 hours in hand rearing them one of the best experiences I've ever had in my life I bitched about it the entire time I did it but boy did I get a phenomenal appreciation for how good cats can come out if they're reared by a kind heart.

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