Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I agree micro dosing psilocybin is a greatvway to deal with mental issues like depression and ptsd, they are also just fun!
For me they help with mental issue partly because they remind me how easy it can be to have fun and that to some extent you can choose to be happy
Thanks I was trying avoid opening another account somewhere but I may have too:dammit:
Hey @NAGreengo what do you use to process the he videos? I may try that on the pc :d5::thanks:in advance
Adobe Premiere Pro, and Cyberlink Power Director. :thumbsup:
I'm with Frank and Hog with this too!:yeahthat:.

If we are talking about Liberty Caps and we are if you are from the UK although they also grow in the US.
I read that 20 - 30 libs is a full dose, here are my thoughts!
I think to me 30 - 50 is a full dose, depends on how much you want to trip, or how used to tripping you are!

10 -12 = sparkles and giggles
30 = mild trip, sound distortions, trails, giggles
50 = Now we start to move, things get a bit more wavey, pronounced trails, hallucinations but not seeing gnomes wandering around ect.
100 = now things are getting proper trippy and at times, fairly challenging all depending on the scene , what you doing and who you with. Long trails and halucinations between light and dark, watch woodchip wallpaper make fractals
200 = Heroic (foolish) dose, either you can or you can't do a heroic dose, it isn't for the faint hearted or the inexperienced, definite hallucinations and challenging perceptions, they don't call it a heroic/foolish dose for nothing!
This trip will test you!

BTW mushroom tea tastes like shit, I don't like it!
I added a good amount of instant coffee and sweetner to disguise the taste and the caffine helps things a long a bit!
30 dried liberty caps equal approximately 1 gram.

If you do mushrooms frequently with no breaks in between a tolerance will build up and a higher doe will be needed!
Tripping more than once a week isn't needed!
Just the other day my brother reminded me of when we were younger and we would have to make ourselves wait at least 3 days, to do our next trip because otherwise, we would just gobble the lot, in quick succession.
I can't say how many trips me and my bro have done together but we were solid tripping partners!
Yeah, I've read all about 'em and 'unnertan' their attributes and benefits. The aversion is like getting sick on some food at a young or really any age, can leave a strong emotional response. That's just purely instinctual in nature. It goes back to early human development in knowing what was ok to eat and what was poisonous or detrimental......self-preservation.
I got sick on some candy as a little kid. I could not stand the smell of it afterwards. I really never ate much candy in my life, I really didn't get exposed to iy much again and they don't make it anymore. I got sick about 20 or so years ago on some BBQ beef ribs at a smokehouse. It was violent!!!!!!!! That was the last time I ate beef ribs. Not that I was a real fan of beef ribs. I LOVE pork ribs and I especially love MY pork ribs.

In typical stoner fashion, start on one topic and another thing arises. I guess I'm smoking some meat this weekend. :eyebrows:

Stop it Morris!
I have plans for him this weekend!



Yeah, I've read all about 'em and 'unnertan' their attributes and benefits. The aversion is like getting sick on some food at a young or really any age, can leave a strong emotional response. That's just purely instinctual in nature. It goes back to early human development in knowing what was ok to eat and what was poisonous or detrimental......self-preservation.
I got sick on some candy as a little kid. I could not stand the smell of it afterwards. I really never ate much candy in my life, I really didn't get exposed to iy much again and they don't make it anymore. I got sick about 20 or so years ago on some BBQ beef ribs at a smokehouse. It was violent!!!!!!!! That was the last time I ate beef ribs. Not that I was a real fan of beef ribs. I LOVE pork ribs and I especially love MY pork ribs.

In typical stoner fashion, start on one topic and another thing arises. I guess I'm smoking some meat this weekend. :eyebrows:

Stop it Morris!
I have plans for him this weekend!



Each to their own brother, one mans meat is another mans poison.:thumbsup:
Looks like it's gonna be a good weekend at your yard!
Love all the smoking gear!
We call turkeys thunder chickens where I come from.
We have turkeys here as well, but the grouse waits until you are mere feet away and then they make an explosive takeoff, almost sounds like a grenade going off in the quiet forest! That's why they have the nickname thunder chicken! LOL It will make your heart jump out of your chest! LOL
We have turkeys here as well, but the grouse waits until you are mere feet away and then they make an explosive takeoff, almost sounds like a grenade going off in the quiet forest! That's why they have the nickname thunder chicken! LOL It will make your heart jump out of your chest! LOL
lol. glad we dont have shit for grouse around here every once in a while you will hear one Sounds like some trying to start there car. But turkeys those things are everywhere. Im not sure what the reasoning behind calling them that other then there huge and really load
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