I'm with Frank and Hog with this too!
If we are talking about Liberty Caps and we are if you are from the UK although they also grow in the US.
I read that 20 - 30 libs is a full dose, here are my thoughts!
I think to me 30 - 50 is a full dose, depends on how much you want to trip, or how used to tripping you are!
10 -12 = sparkles and giggles
30 = mild trip, sound distortions, trails, giggles
50 = Now we start to move, things get a bit more wavey, pronounced trails, hallucinations but not seeing gnomes wandering around ect.
100 = now things are getting proper trippy and at times, fairly challenging all depending on the scene , what you doing and who you with. Long trails and halucinations between light and dark, watch woodchip wallpaper make fractals
200 = Heroic (foolish) dose, either you can or you can't do a heroic dose, it isn't for the faint hearted or the inexperienced, definite hallucinations and challenging perceptions, they don't call it a heroic/foolish dose for nothing!
This trip will test you!
BTW mushroom tea tastes like shit, I don't like it!
I added a good amount of instant coffee and sweetner to disguise the taste and the caffine helps things a long a bit!
30 dried liberty caps equal approximately 1 gram.
If you do mushrooms frequently with no breaks in between a tolerance will build up and a higher doe will be needed!
Tripping more than once a week isn't needed!
Just the other day my brother reminded me of when we were younger and we would have to make ourselves wait at least 3 days, to do our next trip because otherwise, we would just gobble the lot, in quick succession.
I can't say how many trips me and my bro have done together but we were solid tripping partners!