Funnily enough
@arty zan .......

..they reckon Maltas Laws are worse now they have Legalised......been a while since I Read up......but the people on the ground were Not Happy at all ...
Damn it, there is always some twat putting the fly into the ointment!
A couple of weeks ago Rishi Sunak said he would legalize and tax weed!
Unfortunately Liz Truss is winning the race to be the Tory leader and she hates cannabis.
However Rishi Sunak already invest treasury money in Canna businesses, one instantly thinks of CW Pharma who grows cannabis and who manufactures "Sativex" the worlds No.1 selling canna medicine!
But wait there is more .... Thersa May (ex Prime Minister of UK) her husband is a major share holder in GW Pharma.
So whilst his wife was Prime Minister of the uk, her husbands shares in GW Pharma was earning him pots of cash from UK grown weed!
In the last year another Licence to grow cannabis has been issued on the UK mainland and 5 additional licences have been given to Jersey an Island just off the UK coast and is part of the British Isles.
So that means there have been 6 cannabis grow licences given in the last year.
This to me sounds like the Tories are gearing up for legalization and issuing licences, so they "the Tory Mp's" can invest in cannastocks prior to legalization and then cream in the profits when it is legalized!
In recent times a cross party group went to Canada!
A Tory MP, a Labour MP and a Liberal MP all went to Canada, to look at what cannabis legalization looked like and tio look at the figures to see how much money can be made!
Political parties in the UK for the most part want legalization!
Labour want legalization, the Liberals Want Legalization, the Green Party want legalization.
The Tory party are divided on this Rishi say yes , Liz says no!
The forecast of the likely hood of cannabis legalization , is estimated at 10-15 years, this estimate was from a couple of years back!
How ever times are hard, the pandemic needs paying for, the cost of living crisis needs paying for, The NHS, police force, fire brigade, schools and many other services need public money, legalizing cannabis will do that.
Unfortunately I watched a youtube video by a couple of Daily Mail types and it was horrendous, they were saying it was a poison and and was dangerous and a load of other negative things, real backwater mentality!
Well listen up lads Cannabis can be legally prescribed in the UK although it very rarely happens in our nanny state run NHS.
The are epileptic children out there who need canna medicine, so give it to them
