UGH! Second cup of java is almost done. It's vampire day at the doc. It's a fasting test too, so naturally I wake up hungry as hell and can't take my Liquid Gold Life vitamins.
I think I'll go get a couple of new totes to get the next grow media mixed up. Fresh Root Organic Original, A stick of DynoMyco dynamite, a little Anderson's HumiChar, micronized Humic acid and Biochar, and Recharge with a little molassas to revive the life in the media. and wet everything to the proper levels.
I'm debating whether to run 3 EB Jrs in my 2x4 tent instead of two.

I think I'll go get a couple of new totes to get the next grow media mixed up. Fresh Root Organic Original, A stick of DynoMyco dynamite, a little Anderson's HumiChar, micronized Humic acid and Biochar, and Recharge with a little molassas to revive the life in the media. and wet everything to the proper levels.
I'm debating whether to run 3 EB Jrs in my 2x4 tent instead of two.