Lived with my Gma for 2 years, we fought constantly and it was honestly just so terrible. Its been almost 4 years now and thankfully our relationship has gotten better again but it will never be how it was before. We also lost my Gpa in that time and they'd been together 61 years, since she was 16, so she really has never been anyone without him. Definitely a rough spot when you're both grieving one of the most important people in your life at the same time and communication doesn't work well anymore. I firmly believe she and my mom are both bipolar as well (as it tends to run through maternal lines and they sure present as bp) and so with both of us being untreated it was a very toxic situation. Hubby and I only tend to argue when we both wake up grumpy or if we are both overly stressed lol, he was raised by a single mom and with two sisters so he's generally always pretty good. We've also both had a *lot* of therapy prior to getting together so I think that probably helps as well. The next 11 years or so will be interesting though, since the oldest is coming into pre-puberty and we're about to have to deal with the teen years

We're still early on yet, 4 years together as of today, but truth be told this is the longest I've ever liked anyone