View attachment 1340707 And if it hermied how it would Spoil Years of your Street Breeder Cred...coz no one has ever had a Hermie before.....?
Don't Invent Problems before you get them.......

..whack the buggers out....and See if you have something to Worry about.
Even if it had a hermie can Breed Away from it.....Deep Chunk that I did the Dragon with was Notorious for throwing hermies in F1 out much so..many people didn't even bother...
I saw a couple of Flukies in f1...but never a one since.
You wouldn't deliberately pick to breed with a hermie....but if a cross you loved threw can breed away from it....
Rufty toughty street breeders Smoke our Mistakes.........

there is no Evidence.....only a puff of smoke.....
View attachment 1340708