Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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They tend to eat the roots only.......if you see a plant looking as if it is dying and it is not responding to water..chances are..vine weevils.

Make up a good watering can of soapy water.....saturate the plot.....grab any that come to the surface..repeat....... :headbang:

I never had any problems with them here until I got some worm castings/compost......I'm sure they come in with that.
We got any entomology experts out there?? Anyone know what in gods name this hideous creature is?? Moved my tomato pots outside and these were burrowed into soil below 3 or 4 of the pots! :yoinks: :nono:

Had something taking bites outta tomato’s and thought maybe was a squirrel but now wondering if it was 1 of these feeding before burrowing into the ground?!?! :shrug:

my guess is stag beetle ,:yoinks:
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I'm glad I can just sit back and idle this thread today. Usually have 10 pages of catch-up by the afternoon.

I've lost my mind but, ordered another small tent....... I've no room for it and nowhere to hide it!

lucifer is now -> officially A D D I C T E D!! :crying: :devil: ppp
We got any entomology experts out there?? Anyone know what in gods name this hideous creature is?? Moved my tomato pots outside and these were burrowed into soil below 3 or 4 of the pots! :yoinks: :nono:

Had something taking bites outta tomato’s and thought maybe was a squirrel but now wondering if it was 1 of these feeding before burrowing into the ground?!?! :shrug:

Pretty sure that's more than likely a June Bug grub. I imagine BT will work fine if you have a large infestation. Unless you see lots more, just pick em and squish em!
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