Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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@Zeromitch - if you're going with the spores, those preboiled microwave rice bags are the best inoculation things to use. Perfect moisture and already sterilized. Just get plain no flavor. I've found the cheaper the better. The Aldi brand work great as they are just a little drier than the name brand.
Jaysus, that's some lanky mf plant!

EDIT: For clarity, not an insult, just never seen one like this before!
She's definitely got that 1960s supermodel vibe working :rofl: no offense taken. She's lived outdoors up till yesterday when she got blown over be the 20-30mph winds we got. Up on the balcony, so no wind breaks. Now she's wobbly af, which is why I had to cage her. But that wasn't enough so I had to bring her and her sister in. I've got her tied up now so hopefully she will stay up. I don't think we are expecting heavy winds like that again any time soon, but being on the coast during hurricane season you really never know.

@Son of Hobbes PM sent, so yeah good news!​
@Zeromitch - if you're going with the spores, those preboiled microwave rice bags are the best inoculation things to use. Perfect moisture and already sterilized. Just get plain no flavor. I've found the cheaper the better. The Aldi brand work great as they are just a little drier than the name brand.
Don't think they'd appreciate a little bit of cajun seasoning? :rofl:
Mushrooms are delicious. Although the magic variety taste terrible and the texture triggers my gag reflex something fierce. Yay, sensory issues lmao.
Shrooms do taste nasty,
I boil them, strain them and make very strong instant coffee. with a ton of sweetner, to make the taste more bearable!
Once I ground them up to try to surpass the texture issues. Mixed them with chocolate milk of all things. Terrible idea, they just turned into a big glob instead and milk plus shrooms made for a terrible time in my stomach. Got pretty violently ill.
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