Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Damn some people never change, sorry.

I would never pay more than $600 for a dog, i am buying a pet that i will care and love for until death not a show winner or breeder. i found a breeder here 8 years ago for min pins $350 a pop $50 off with military discount, she had boxers too so my dad got a boxer from my 8 year ago min pin breeder 3 years ago. I don't know how people spend $1000s on a pup but to eachs own right?
For scope of reference, lol, when I left the above mentioned abusive ex (who tried to kill me more than once and threatened to kill our kids before I got out), they begrudgingly paid the $5k retainer for my lawyer, and told me to never ask them for anything ever again. Yet they drop $4k on a dog like its nothing :rofl: its whatever though, they've supported my brother and sister for years as adults, paid both of their ways through private universities (my brother took 6 years cause he kept changing majors and schools), they never even worked till graduation. Meanwhile I juggled 3 kids as a single mom while working full time and wracking up a mountain of student loan debt while I got my BBA in 3 years. Made me a stronger person I guess, and they can never say I owe them a thing, but still shitty. You'd think they wouldn't want to see their kid struggle to feed their grandkids but we clearly have very different values. Pretty rich considering they're uber catholic, but I guess the Bible they're using is different from the one I learned about in the 14 years of catholic school they put me through. Oh well I suppose. Dad just retired this year but was making high 6 figures as a c suite exec for a multibillion dollar government contracting company so its not like they have ever been strapped for cash, so to them the idea of having to pick between gas to go to work or food on the table, or not eating so your kids can have enough seems like something that doesn't really exist. Glad to be out of that situation, and tbh I feel like it made me a far more compassionate person than catholic school ever did.

BTW, my Adderall prescription got bumped up by half as of yesterday so thats probably why I'm all ranty and going a mile a minute.
RIP Sonny Stango

I heard shrooms are good for healing stuff like that and cancer, glad he got more time to enjoy his passions
PTSD and TBI as well, they literally rebuild damaged neural pathways. Usually try to do a small trip once every 6ish months. I always end up leaking from the eyes through the whole thing, which I suppose is your body letting go of everything you've been suppressing.
Did I ever tell you guys about the story my husband told me about the weed rat?

Apparently waaay back in the day when he was still smoking shitty brick, they bought a 5lb section. When they went to cut it up they found a big ass dead rat compacted right in the middle of the brick. Considering the ones I breed run about 2lbs for the big adult bucks, they got majorly ripped off lmao.
Heya Arty - Just to be sure that everythings been tried.
Have you tried double clicking the mail icon?
Have you tried (when you click the mail icon once) hitting the green link at the bottom that says "show all"

Just in case that 840 is clouding your path to the PMs ^_^

(btw, there's nothing admin panel can do with or to your PMs)
I did all, as you said before reporting it!
Since I received a PM from Mossy all messages have returned!
@Son of Hobbes, I like where your coming from and the thinking that goes with it!, however I am a very light drinker and I have never in my life posted when drunk!:cheers:
However all is now back to normal now!:thumbsup:
I think I've found a solution for my drunk Charlie Brown Christmas tree though!
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