Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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That is a sharp looking machine! A far cry from the old beige boxes. Man, we felt like hot rodders just installing a new floppy drive and getting it to work. Jumpers and dip switches....ugh.. Kids these days...... I am jealous and I love the builds.
Ahhh...640Kb of conventional memory and separate boot-up disks to run a 40Mb game that took 2 hrs and 12 floppy disks to install...Load High, mthrfer!

And for consoles, this is about where I started out at:

Question ,,,best practice for pollen storage ?,,mix flour into their pollen at a ratio of 4:1 (flour to pollen) when storing it long-term. this a option once collected and dried ?

@Mossy @BCBudlady
Dry the flour in the oven @ 240°F for 15 minutes and work fast so it picks up no moisture coming out of the oven. Cool before adding the pollen. Put in a zip-lock removing as much air as possible. Vacuum seal the zip-lock and some desiccant then store in the refrigerator or freezer. I have heard this can last two years. This is from OldTimeyMan that germinated some 40 year old seeds on another forum. He must have died because he stopped posting all of the sudden 4 or 5 years ago? He taught me some tricks.
looking great ,,they developed well ,,,,this the first time you used this method?
Thanks! Yes my 1st time with this method :smoking:might be why 1 is not doing well but to be fair it looked strange from week 1+
Thanks! Yes my 1st time with this method :smoking:might be why 1 is not doing well but to be fair it looked strange from week 1+

1 out of 10 or what ever it is ,,isn't bad going :cheers: why do you think i set 30 off,,,the odds be with you :thumbsup: ,,i got a couple 80ltr i keep thinking of having a bash with ,,i would want to dress/feed from top though ,,,

i wonder if you used plain water for bottom wicking and fed from top would work,,@WildBill ,,isn't you made mention of this in one thread or another ? ie..that the plant was using two paths to sustain its self?
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