Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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I know, the price of GPU's is sickening right now. Going to have to start giving handies under the bridge just to support my PC gaming habits.
Hehhee with a getup and go attitude like that you’ll make bottom bitch in know time!

I got a car audio buddy who’s into gaming .. just built some liquid cooled thing with his son.. nuts what goes on nowadays

Just checked out this VR thing... this is nuts!!!
Oh I need one...
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I can bite the bullet and make a VR facebook only account just for it but i wish they would back away from that requirement.

I have skyrim vr and spent days modding it, worth the buy if you liked normal skyrim. My gpu is a dated 2080 ti but it can handle most the mods i throw at it on skyrim but still have to limit what i use. I'm trying to buy another gpu for my wife but that has been a on going battle that i won't win, might have to pay scalper prices as amd and nvidia are showing no sign of improvement with chip shortages and say this will go into late 2022 maybe 2023. i see intel is about to launch a gpu so maybe we have hope.
Skyrim is love, skyrim is life. Always say I'm going to build a different character when I start playing a new save but I always end up as a ranger/rouge build lmao. I may have bought it for my 9yo for the switch after he was super helpful when we were moving out of our apartment (I'm talking about scrubbing baseboards and sifting through every vacuum dump making sure no lego was left behind). They'd already watched me play through it a million times and its vanilla skyrim so not anything too nuts.
That is a sharp looking machine! A far cry from the old beige boxes. Man, we felt like hot rodders just installing a new floppy drive and getting it to work. Jumpers and dip switches....ugh.. Kids these days...... I am jealous and I love the builds.

Man what was that, Computer Shopper magazine? That thing was like a Sears Christmas catalog from 1990. HUUUUGE, and FULL of parts from anywhere and everyone.

Remember RDRAM? That was the most expensive memory I've ever purchased.

50x cd-rom's that sounded like airplanes taking off.
Mine I could fix easily if I cared! The deal on the inside that spins the disc ain’t working so disc never spins but I’m sure that piece along with the eye dealio that reads disc but I haven’t bothered!
Hey, the way things go in the gaming world its worth hanging onto even if you done ever fix it. It'll be retro before long and the longer you hold on to it the more rare they'll be. I'm sure someone would pay good money for it and either fix it or use it for parts to fix another.
Skyrim is love, skyrim is life. Always say I'm going to build a different character when I start playing a new save but I always end up as a ranger/rouge build lmao. I may have bought it for my 9yo for the switch after he was super helpful when we were moving out of our apartment (I'm talking about scrubbing baseboards and sifting through every vacuum dump making sure no lego was left behind). They'd already watched me play through it a million times and its vanilla skyrim so not anything too nuts.

I've always played them modded to the gills (I started with Morrowind, when it first came out, when PC games came in those HUGE boxes (those were the days. Full color manuals that were practically novels they were so thick.)

I always play a thief archer character. Make my millions selling stolen flower pots, forks, and knives to the thieves guild fence for a gold coin apiece. No one gets utensils. NO ONE.

No one suspects the Khajiit crouched on top of the wardrobe in plain view as soon as they turn their backs.
Damn that sucks!
i found my old psvita when i got my ps4 going the other day, charged it up and the sd card was bad on it and it won't reformat AND sony did not allow for just any sd card to work it has to be a psvita sd card and they don't make em anymore and what is left is all used and WAY over priced, i'll be forced to "hack" it just to be able to use the thing again.

damn you sony!
Dunno if I saw you respond lmfao. Not to be a bother but I'm curious if you were in the "Stoned Gamer" crew on GTA5 back in the day.
I've always played them modded to the gills (I started with Morrowind, when it first came out, when PC games came in those HUGE boxes (those were the days. Full color manuals that were practically novels they were so thick.)

I always play a thief archer character. Make my millions selling stolen flower pots, forks, and knives to the thieves guild fence for a gold coin apiece. No one gets utensils. NO ONE.

No one suspects the Khajiit crouched on top of the wardrobe in plain view as soon as they turn their backs.
Sneaky stabby stalky shooty reigns Supreme. Ends up being my go to in every game where I get the option. Creature of habit I suppose.
Damn that sucks!
i found my old psvita when i got my ps4 going the other day, charged it up and the sd card was bad on it and it won't reformat AND sony did not allow for just any sd card to work it has to be a psvita sd card and they don't make em anymore and what is left is all used and WAY over priced, i'll be forced to "hack" it just to be able to use the thing again.

damn you sony!
And I was getting ready to renew my PS membership this morning.:shrug:
Dunno if I saw you respond lmfao. Not to be a bother but I'm curious if you were in the "Stoned Gamer" crew on GTA5 back in the day.
No i was not but sounds like a cool crew haha i was in a crew with my nco and squad mates in the army.
I've always played them modded to the gills (I started with Morrowind, when it first came out, when PC games came in those HUGE boxes (those were the days. Full color manuals that were practically novels they were so thick.)

I always play a thief archer character. Make my millions selling stolen flower pots, forks, and knives to the thieves guild fence for a gold coin apiece. No one gets utensils. NO ONE.

No one suspects the Khajiit crouched on top of the wardrobe in plain view as soon as they turn their backs.
Morrowind was also my 1st experience with the elder scrolls back on the 1st xbox console then i got it on pc with the 2 dlcs and I started making my own maps and stuff, miss those days when long load times did not piss you off
:pass: smoke break
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