Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Anyone play this??
No i was not but sounds like a cool crew haha i was in a crew with my nco and squad mates in the army.
Lol I was just curious! Hubby created it for him and his friends and it blew up. Like, to the point where they purge members every Christmas cause they have so many. He doesn't even play anymore :rofl: but the crew rolls on.
Was mostly his escape from his miserable relationship before they ended up splitting up lol.
That is a sharp looking machine! A far cry from the old beige boxes. Man, we felt like hot rodders just installing a new floppy drive and getting it to work. Jumpers and dip switches....ugh.. Kids these days...... I am jealous and I love the builds.
I started building in 2006 so some jumpers were still about - slaving IDE drives was my Jam! None of my mates could get their CD burners to work

Thanks for the rep @Mañ'O'Green!
Fighting high humidity, got the tent open to try and help and took some pics :smoking:

Day 28


The runt is starting to do something, still tiny compared to the others, there is always 1 that should be cut but I'm to nice to kill it.
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