Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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1 out of 10 or what ever it is ,,isn't bad going :cheers: why do you think i set 30 off,,,the odds be with you :thumbsup: ,,i got a couple 80ltr i keep thinking of having a bash with ,,i would want to dress/feed from top though ,,,

i wonder if you used plain water for bottom wicking and fed from top would work,,@WildBill ,,isn't you made mention of this in one thread or another ? ie..that the plant was using two paths to sustain its self?
That’s how I roll
i will be hunting your threads down :thumbsup: any thoughts to adding air to bottom res ? i know their is an air gap ,,i was just thinking a little more couldn't harm :eek1:
nah for sips i follow the dry system, let it suck it dry and the next day fill it up.
nah for sips i follow the dry system, let it suck it dry and the next day fill it up.

i a rebel :smoking:..if you don't ask, you'll never know, if you don't try for your self you'll never really know :thumbsup:,,at worse they die :smoking:i always this self confident after a good grow:crying: ..a few fails wont spoil the game:smoking:
i found it ,,i had already popped in a couple have the wicked air pots :thumbsup:
Going to put a couple on rezs. And got a planter that I’m going to hand water for now. Maybe a drip and or flood and drain eventually.



I usually put wick in all my pots. Used to use this method gorilla growing back around 1990. Used it off and on for six years indoors. It works. Just a matter of dailing it in.

used to use t shirts for wicks back in the day. Build a little frame out of branches and set five gallon buckets above a natural or man made water source. :pass:
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