Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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I might be a 1%er here but i think we will be okay, 99.7% recovery.

I seen this and smiled but its my choice and i respect everyone's choices :D
Desktop Screenshot 2021.09.03 -
Are they forcing you guys to get vax'd in the uk?

no ,,but they strongly encouraging it ,,and starting to place obstacles to employment in some professions and going to live events,,i got a few medical conditions that make me high risk so was a no brainer to have it,
Phone screen cracked such a pita!
Hairy!!! I love seeing your progress because it helps me put mine into some sorts of retrospect.
Plus with a little more reading I’ve come to realize the Oaxaca look was solidified most likely because of the purple Thai back (for me) ...
@hairyman what have your babies settled on? I know you wrote it but I can’t look through stuff anymore lil momo is a tyrant now

Taking vaccines from the same guys who gave us blankets...
No thanks lol
well this is the point now when it could blow up ,,kids going back to school ,,but they only worried now about how many need hospitalizing rather than deaths ,,the deaths coming are a given,,,,i still carry on as if i aint vaccinated ,,i still in me owm little lock down,,very little contact with anyone too @hairyman :pass: ..I can't force the world to it comes down to looking after myself and mine...

The Israeli goverment is blaming kids back at school..and vax immunity dropping 6 months after vax for their current surge.
On Wednesday they became the worlds highest transmission rate...with 0.2% of their population getting it Wednesday..they are Shocking stats..
Oaxaca look

see never heard of that ,,google search and and i thinking Oaxaca gold looks like special dragon lol

hat have your babies settled on?

in regards to the common,,,they all same frame apart from special which i convinced came from another set now ,,going to run them next, ,but the common all have different terp profiles ..bud density calax formation to various degrees and that matches up to the leaves in veg ,and how much they represented the black dragon,,i think anyways :smoking:
Are they forcing you guys to get vax'd in the uk?

Not that I Know of @Zeromitch ...:pass:..but like most of the rest of Europe...public venues are saying you cannot get in without a vax you want to eat out...go to a pub..go to a concert need to be vaxxed...:headbang:
so one of the girls i found it last time and this ,,has this great foral scent,,,goes to lavender on exhale buds look great but isn't as dense as i would like but a nice day time smoke ,,,but trying to change bud density could just throw you way off,,so its gotta be best to stick sometimes except it for what it is ?
I always chucked in a tablespoon....
Smells like baked beans

Cheers @mohawk warrior ...I Was adding 1 tablespoon to a Gallon...this season I upped it to 4.....:biggrin:..
smells like licorice to me..and I Love licorise....gotta lick the spoon.....:crying:

see never heard of that ,,google search and and i thinking Oaxaca gold looks like special dragon lol

:pass:Oaxaca Gold and Red Leb are two crosses I trait checked in Original JEM...:pass:...and...mmm..Coal Tar Pak...if my mind serves me correct....:biggrin:
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